Near-Record High Temperatures Sweep Across Central Interior

Near record high temperatures are forecast across the central interior Friday and Saturday.  Highs are expected to top out anywhere from the mid 70’s to mid 80’s across an area extending from Fairbanks to Denali Park, Delta Junction, Tok and Ft. Yukon.  National Weather Service meteorologist Rick Thoman says the region has been significantly warmer than normal for the last week.

Friday, Thoman says Fairbanks could break the May 27 daily record of 82 set last year. The hottest day is expected to be Saturday, but Fairbanks all time May record of 90 degrees, set on May 28, 1947, is not expected to go down.  Thoman says the high pressure weather pattern offers a mixed bag in terms of wildfire danger.

Relative humidities could dip into the 20 percent range.  No strong winds are expected.  Thoman says it’s been a very dry May so far in Fairbanks.

The hot weather is forecast to moderate a little after Saturday but it is predicted to continue to be warmer than normal through Monday.

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Dan Bross is a reporter at KUAC in Fairbanks.

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