Do you know why Anchorage has alternative schools? How about a local Planned Parenthood, Childcare Connection, or public radio and TV? You’d have to ask Caroline Wohlforth about all that.Biking in Anchorage is catching on more and more, but did you know the vision for a trail system that would let kids ride their bikes from home to school to the library and the park goes back to 1971? Or that Anchorage might not still have a Park Strip if it weren’t for her efforts? Lanie Fleischer can tell you about it.Who had the journalistic assignment to visit every Alaska village qualifying under the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act, and made it to more than 200 of them? Who wrote for The Los Angeles Times and Howard Rock’s Tundra Times, not to mention 16 non-fiction books, most about Alaska? That would be Lael Morgan.This week on Hometown, Alaska, join host Kathleen McCoy and her guest Jane Angvik they will interview these three remarkable women who happen to be among the inductees to this year’s Alaska Women’s Hall of Fame.
- Alaska Women's Hall of Fame
- EVENT: Alaska Women’s Hall of Fame, 2011 Induction Ceremony. March 10, 5:30 p.m. Wilda Marston Theater
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HOST: Kathleen McCoy, independent journalistGUESTS:
- Jane Angvik, founding member, Alaska Women's Hall of Fame
LIVE: Wed, February 23, 2010 at 2:00 p.m.REPEAT: Wed, February 23, 2010 at 7:00 p.m.SUBSCRIBE:
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