Kids These Days! – Feb 22

Tuesday, February 22 at 2pm and 7pm


With all the great school choices available to families in the Anchorage area it can be a daunting task knowing which one is right for your children. We attempted to make the process of choosing a school a little easier by inviting three knowledgeable guest panelists to share information and answer questions. Linda Carlson from the Anchorage School District, Missy DeRivera of Chugach Homeschool and Sandee Hough of the Alaska Association of Independent Schools spoke with host, Shana Sheehy, in front of a live audience at Saturday’s New to School Event.

With Anchorage School District’s history of alternative programs spanning twenty years, KTD wondered how education opportunities like these might affect local neighborhoods. Contributor Jessica Cochran examines some of the by-products of a rich school choice environment.

After last week’s show on Dads These Days aired, listeners wrote in to tell us what they thought about the modern roles of fathers. One local mother shared her perspective on being the Go-to-Work Mom – that other half of the Stay-at-Home Dad trend we explored – so we called her for the mom’s POV. Her thoughts top the hour on todays’s show.

Tune in to KSKA-FM Tuesday, February 22 at 2pm or 7pm to listen. As always, you can hear the full show, see pictures and listen to additional clips at where you can also leave your comments about this program.

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