Kids These Days – Feb 8

Tuesday, February 8 at 2pm and 7pm


Valentine’s is right around the corner, so in honor of this day celebrating all things love – Kids These Days! is talking about the loving relationships in our family lives – and not just the romantic ones!

Speaking with Shana Sheehy is guest Dr. Susan Newman who draws from her experience as a social psychologist, blogger for Psychology Today and best-selling author of 14 books to answer your questions about every kind of familial relationship.

Also on this program: meet Chef KTD!; a longtime Alaska couple shares their insight on 64-years of marriage; what modern teens think about love and marriage; and learn about attachment disorders and the sometimes controversial therapies used to treat them.

Tune in to KSKA-FM Tuesday, February 8 at 2pm or 7pm to listen. As always, you can hear the full show, see pictures and listen to additional clips at where you can also leave your comments about this program.

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