What was your life like Monday morning when seven inches of snow hit Anchorage during morning rush hour? Were you thinking: Time for a trip to Hawaii? Or, great, where are my skis? Or… hmmm, when was the last time we got the furnace inspected?Here’s the score from Monday: Mother Nature 1 - Anchorage residents, zip.
- 90 accidents
- 91 vehicles in ditches
- a double bus accident
- Police advising residents that ‘Hills are dangerous, avoid them’
- People Mover takes 330 calls
- La Nina, according to Accuweather, promises a “brutal February”
So, what’s an Alaskan to do? Hunker down for winter, that’s what. We’ll get the winter weather lowdown from NOAA meteorologist, Sam Albanese (pictured right) and Alaska Native environmentalist, Larry Merculieff. In the second half, we’ll talk to Michelle Wilbur of the Renewable Energy Alaska Project and Jack Hebert of the Cold Climate Housing Research Center in Fairbanks about how to keep your home and spirits cozy this winter.LINKS:
- Easy Home Winterizing Checklist
- Winter Auto Maintenance Checklist
- Renewable Energy Alaska Project (REAP)
- Cold Climate Housing Research Center
- NOAA Climate Prediction Center
- National Weather Service Anchorage Forecast Office
- West Coast and Alaska Tsunami Warning Center
PHOTO (above): This 1939 photo comes from the Russell W. Dow Papers housed at the University of Alaska Anchorage Consortium Library, Archives and Special Collections, used with permission. The caption on the photo reads: “Jack the barber digging his car out in the spring at the mine.” The mine is Independence Mine in Mat-Su and the company was the Alaska Pacific Consolidated Mining Company. Snow depth? 7-10 feet!Download Audio (MP3)PARTICIPATE:
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HOST: Kathleen McCoy, independent journalistGUESTS:
- Sam Albanese, meteorologist, NOAA
- Larry Merculieff, Alaska Native environmentalist
- Michelle Wilber, energy efficiency guru, Renewable Energy Alaska Project
- Jack Hebert, president and CEO of Cold Climate Housing Research Center
LIVE: Wed, November 10, 2010 at 2:00 p.m.REPEAT: Wed, November 10, 2010 at 7:00 p.m.SUBSCRIBE:
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