Tuesday, October 5 at 2pm, repeating at 7pm
In-Studio Guests: October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month, and host, Shana Sheehy, spoke with two Alaskans who are working to combat both domestic violence and sexual assault (DV/SA) in our state. Katie TePas (left), the state’s first DV/SA Response Coordinator, and Sgt. Cynthia Stanton (right), head of the Crimes Against Children Unit at the Anchorage Police Department, addressed the need for public awareness about these crimes, spoke about prevention measures and also offered advice for victims or those who want to help someone in need.
Featured Stories: Contributor Jessica Cochran spoke with the Alaska Network on Domestic VIolence and Sexual Assault to report on the free legal resources available to families who want to get help and break the cycle of abuse.
Producer Sarah Gonzales interviewed two teens who were involved in Stand Up, Speak Up, a media campaign that promotes respect as a means to ending violence among teens.
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