What's going on with the 2010 census? Officials got started early this year in Anchorage on a new plan to find every address possible. How did they do and what's coming up as the next census unfolds? Join us on Community Forum this afternoon for a countdown to census day - April 1, 2010.Download Audio (MP3) PARTICIPATE:
- Call 550-8433 (Anchorage) or 1-888-353-5752 (statewide) during the live broadcast (2:00 - 3:00pm)
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HOST: Ellen Lockyer, independent journalistGUESTS:
- Reuben del Valli, media relations in Seattle, US Census
- Mark Tanguay, census director of the Anchorage office, US Census
LIVE: Wed, July 29, 2009 at 2:00 p.m.REPEAT: Wed, July 29, 2009 at 10:00 p.m.SUBSCRIBE:
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