The Central Committee of the Alaska Democratic Party voted Monday evening to support an Independent party ticket for Governor and Lieutenant Governor comprised of Bill Walker and Byron Mallott. Mallot has been the Democratic nominee for Governor but would run as Lieutenant Governor with Walker on the Independent ticket. The vote was 89 to 2.
Democratic Party spokesman Zack Fields says Democrats believe the state is in trouble under Sean Parnell’s leadership and Walker and Mallott share similar beliefs about how to address the state’s problems.
“Byron Mallott and Bill Walker were both talking about the need to balance budgets, fix the school cuts that Sean Parnell has promoted and stand up for Alaska fisheries, so it made sense for them to team up.”
Fields says Democrats are pragmatic and if a strong Independent ticket will serve the needs of Alaskans, the party will support it.
“A lot of Alaskans, Republicans and Democrats recognize we all need to work together as a team to beat Sean Parnell and elect a Governor and Lt. Governor who finally will put Alaskans first.”
Fields says it is unprecedented for the Alaska Democratic Party to not have a candidate on the ballot for Governor.